WE STAND WITH THE UNIVERSES WILL 2022 by Ame Indigo kärkkäinen

110cm x 140cm

Oil, ink, acrylic & upcycled mixed media on canvas

Exhibited by Capital Culture House Oct 2022, apart of “MIRACULOUS”

This piece, to me, represents my personal connection with the universe, and the energy that connects us all together. Without the universe there wouldn’t be us, but I also think it goes vice versa, because at the end of the day we are one and the same.

I’ve always been a sensitive spiritual being with deep connections to this planets nature. With age that connection grew, wrapped around our universe and reached existence in itself. I always try to make sense of my world through my art and I think with this piece I reached a little further than I had before. It isn’t us and then the rest of space. We are space. For so long mankind has been stuck in this egoistic cycle of only acknowledging the existence of self and where the self happens to live, Without even considering the connection we have to the infinite universe. We are too scared to look further because we might find something that completely up roots us from everything that we find to be “real” When in reality we’re just scared to look within ourselves, we’re scared to look at our shadow that hides behind our backs and has a hold on us. We pretend it isn’t there, but the universe sees it. It not only sees it but it welcomes it.

I painted the so-called self as this light blue creature looking up at the infinite universe which is the red-ish creature. You can kind of sense the fear in the self, when the universe just calmly approaches it with no prejudices.

I used recycled materials for this piece, for example un-used jewelry gifted by loved ones or found from flea markets, these sticker pearls that I used to use as make up accessories and didn’t have the heart to throw them away, or things I cut out from those paper pockets that hold the chopsticks you get with takeout from my favorite restaurant. All of them have meaning to me and now they have a home.