
Story of: learn to let go already -2020. Oil on canvaS

50cm x 60cm

This painting to me represents learning to let go of everything that’s holding you back from evolving. 

 The woman is someone who tries her hardest to make everyone around her happy and well taken care of. she sacrifices herself a lot just for the happiness of people who wont do the same for her. Deep down she knows this, but can’t admit it to herself. It would mean that she would have to abandon what was once everything to her.. and is afraid to do that. 

 The baby is a red skeleton. It represents all the sad things in life. death, trauma, loneliness. Even though these things are bad ,there’s something very familiar and nostalgic about them. These thoughts have been here forever. She doesn’t realize that all these things are slowly killing her. If you look at the hand next to the babies face it’s almost bone like compared to the other hand. That thing, that negativity, that trauma.. is killing her. Even though it’s dead, she’s still trying to feed into that negativity.. she doesn’t want to give up, because she thinks that she can somehow heal it. She cant.   The stairs represent a path she’s afraid to take, but one that she will have to, in order to grow. 

 Letting go of toxic things is always a very emotional and difficult thing to do, but I think deep down we always know that’s the right thing to do. That’s why the womans face is calm. it’s blank. it’s empty. She doesn’t want to do it but she knows that’s for the best. You have to let go of the things you’re afraid to let go of, in order to grow as a person and become the version of yourself that you want to be!!!

The inspiration for this artwork was the feeling of my life situation at the time, and the face of a very close friend to me. she was going through a struggle of her own, and talking about it with her made me realize that both of us need a change ! 

This painting is for her, I hope she realizes how far she’s come <3